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THE APILUX 3G APL TECHNOLOGYMore complete and powerful than any other intense pulsed light (IPL) system on the market, the Apilux 3G promises quick results and unrivalled treatment comfort. The Apilux 3G Canadian made technology is based on a...
Apilus xCell Pro
Discover the professional electrolysis device of tomorrow
27.12 MHz: More powerful and comfortable than ever before!
If today’s electrolysis is efficient, rapid and very comfortable, it’s surely thanks to...
Synchro for xCell Pur
With this option, the revolutionary Synchro technique (patented) can be added whenever you choose to your Apilus xCell Pur. The Synchro radio frequency is very effective for deeply rooted, stubborn hair . Its simultaneous application of a hundred or so...
Apilus xCell Pur
Discover the professional electrolysis device of tomorrow
27.12 MHz: More powerful and comfortable than ever before!
If today’s electrolysis is efficient, rapid and very comfortable, it’s surely thanks to...
Apilus Senior 3G
The Apilus Senior 3G is the quickest, the most powerful and the most comfortable 13,56 MHz technology on the market. It integrates the exclusive iMM-Pac option and offers more than 10 treatment modalities as well as 1080 programs, allowing to adapt to...
Apilus Junior 3G
The Apilus Junior 3G offers to the electrologist, in exemplary simplicity of use, the popular Flash and OmniBlend techniques as well as efficient and gentle treatments worthy of the Apilus brand. Undoubtedly, this introductory model will let you perform...